My Story
Brandon and I were 19 and 20 when we had our first baby. That was in 2001.
I was staying home with that sweet little boy. It was the job I had never thought about having.
We bought a house and got married two years later.
We had our second baby in 2004.
That was also the year a co-worker talked Brandon into visiting his church. It was the beginning of a journey we never saw coming.
2005 we had our third baby.
Life was busy. We took our job of raising the kids seriously. The years flew by.
We sold our house in 2010 and moved to the country with our three munchkins.
We dabbled in some hobby farming. I learned to garden and did a little canning.
In 2014 we were blessed with one more baby! It was a big surprise for everyone!
She was a handful. I put a lot on hold just to keep life moving forward.
2015 I started digging into the “natural world” Vaccines, Vitamins, organic foods, and healthier life choices. I got into Herbs and tinctures. It was a whole new world and just the beginning of our journey.
I learned that it’s a give-and-take when you start to make significant changes in your life.
Sometimes I went a little overboard, and it was too much. Everyone would be upset; some rebellion was not out of the question.
The day I stopped using aluminum foil was a rough one! It’s been years, and we are successfully living without it. Contrary to the widespread consensus that was in the house at the time.
The journey hasn’t been easy. There were a lot of ups and downs, but I am so thankful for where we are.
We now use our shot glasses to take vitamins instead of alcohol. Our Medicine cabinet is full of homeopathic remedies and tinctures. We drink room-temperature mineralized water because we like it. Our eggs, milk, veggies, and most of our meat comes from the backyard.
2018 was the year I bought a cross ornament for our Christmas tree because that was the year I took God more seriously!
Brandon and I were in a bad place. Our marriage was rough, and the kids were difficult to handle on most days. I found the love dare—a 40-day marriage challenge.
I was reading my bible every day like it was a nail-biting novel. I was working the love dare on Brandon, which improved our lives!
We were physically healthier, and then we became spiritually healthier.
Those Four wonderful kids are growing up. Brandon and I have a great marriage and a growing and evolving relationship with our Lord and savior. We have way too many chickens:) A few milking goats, Kune Kune pigs, and A breeding pair of peafowl. A vast garden every spring and summer and a to-do list that never ends!
My love and appreciation of life is profound. I have a gratitude that can be hard to wrap my brain around some days.